Saturday, January 28, 2012

Voter Fraud

Explain this to me please:
The [Milwaukee Police Department] found one property where 128 individuals were registered to vote — all of whom signed up for the 2004 election. Twenty-nine voters were registered at a county office building that featured no residential living. The MPD report found instances of double-voting, unopened absentee ballots appearing after the election, and deceased people voting. None of these are counted in the Brennan Center report, which has an extremely narrow definition of “fraud” — people voting who know they are ineligible to vote (felons, for instance).
How is it the case that double-voting and deceased people voting are not included by the definition "people voting who know they are ineligible to vote." Presumably the deceased person is not actually voting, and so someone must be doing it who (presumably) probably is aware that they are not the person voting. Likewise, the person voting twice presumably knows that they are not supposed to vote twice (although I can see some instances where someone might vote by early voting and then forget, and show up at the polls and slip through the check; this is error, not fraud).

"Unopened absentee ballots appearing after the election" is a different thing entirely, but not obviously voting fraud.

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