Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pockets of Prosperity

While the adviser apparently believes in a liberal media bias, they are absolutely right about the sociological insulation of the media.
But frustration is building behind the scenes, egged on by a conservative media and Twitter conversation that has blamed the media for accusing Romney of a premature response to the crises in Libya and Egypt.
The adviser, granted anonymity to criticize a press corps the campaign still relies on every day, went on to blame a "green room, green zone kind of divide," saying the national press, most of whom live in New York or DC, "pockets of prosperity," are isolated from the realities of the harsh economy — and therefore, unable to grasp Romney's message.
Instead, they are preoccupied by concerns akin to war reporters relaxing in the green zone: "Too much chlorine in the pool, the parties are going on too late, why can't we get the right flavors of Haagen Dazs? Most people aren't living in that world."
However, I do not care that this means they aren't sympathetic to Romney's campaign message. Because no one is more insulated in the pocket of prosperity than Romney himself, and certainly the entirety of their platform is absolutely indifferent to poverty and unemployment. That's at least suggested by the fact that under their 'plan' they project to create as many jobs as under the current baseline plan, meaning, they do nothing. But yes, reporters are insulated and that's why they have completely failed in keeping political attention on the jobs crisis.

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